the international journal of computer game research










Game Studies board of reviewers


Richard Bartle. PhD, Teaching Fellow, University of Essex

Jay David Bolter. Wesley Chair of New Media Wesley New Media Center Georgia Institute of Technology

David Buckingham. Director, Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media Institute of Education, University of London, England.

Selmer Bringsjord. Director, Rensselaer AI & Reasoning Lab, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).

Jo Bryce. Department of Psychology, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.

Will Brooker. Richmond, the American International University in London.

Timothy Burke. Swarthmore College.

Edward Castronova. Associate Professor of Economics, California State University, Fullerton

Greg Costikyan. Chief Design Officer, Unplugged, Inc. Consultant, The Themis Group. NY Chapter Coordinator, International Game Developers Association.

Jonathan Dovey. University of the West of England, Bristol.

Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen. PhD Candidate, IT-University of Copenhagen.

Torben Grodal. University of Copenhagen.

Terry Harpold. Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Florida.

Cynthia Haynes. The University of Texas at Dallas.

Henry Jenkins. Director, Comparative Media Studies, MIT.

Aki Järvinen. Game Researcher & Designer, Veikkaus National Lottery, Finland.

Helen Kennedy. Lecturer, University of the West of England

Raine Koskimaa. Ph.D., Professor of Digital Culture, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Jan Van Looy. Teaching Assistant, Institute for Cultural Studies, K.U.Leuven, Belgium. Project manager / programmer at the Maerlant Multimedia Center.

Jane McGonigal, Ph.D. Candidate in performance studies, University of California; Creative designer, 42 Entertainment.

Nick Montfort. PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania.

Sue Morris. PhD Candidate Department of English, Media Studies and Art History University of Queensland. Editor, Game-Culture.

Stuart Moulthrop. School of Information Arts and Sciences, University of Baltimore.

Janet Murray. Georgia Institute of Technology.

James Newman. Department of Media and Cultural Studies Bath Spa University College.

Robert Nideffer. Assistant Professor, UC Irvine.

Celia Pearce. Research and External Relations Manager,
Cal-(IT)2 Arts Layer, University of California, Irvine.

Anja Rau. Independent researcher.

Jason Rutter. Research Fellow ESRC Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition (CRIC), The University of Manchester, England.

Jonas Heide Smith. University of Copenhagen.

Kurt Squire. MIT Comparative Media Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Andrew Stern. Developer and Researcher, Procedural Arts LLC.

Rob Swigart. Research affiliate, Institute for the Future.

T.L. Taylor. North Carolina State University, Dept. of Communication

Ragnhild Tronstad. Department of media and communication, University of Oslo.

Jill Walker. University of Bergen.

Susan Warshauer. Visiting Assistant Professor and Coordinator, George Mason University.

Karin Wenz. Research affiliate, University of Kassel, Center of Cultural Sciences.

Eric Zimmerman. CEO, gameLab.


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