Game Studies Editorial Board


Espen Aarseth (Editor-in-Chief)
Professor of Game Studies, Center for Computer Games Research,
IT University of Copenhagen.

Jessica Enevold (Managing Editor & Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
Lektor and Researcher, Lund University, and Affiliate Faculty, Blekinge Institute of Technology.

Markku Eskelinen, (Book Review Editor)
Independent Scholar, Finland.
Contact: markku dot eskelinen at kolumbus dot fi

Lee Dallas (Editorial Assistant)
Project Assistant, Game Studies Foundation, Lund University.

Advisory Editors

Gonzalo Frasca, Associate Professor, Universidad ORT Uruguay.

Marie-Laure Ryan, Scholar in Residence, University of Colorado.

Siobhan Thomas, Course Director, London South Bank University.

Susana Tosca, Associate Professor, Roskilde University.