Game Studies Archive
Past issues
Past issues of Game Studies:
- Volume 1, issue 1, July 2001
- Volume 2, issue 1, July 2002
- Volume 2, issue 2, December 2002
- Volume 3, issue 1, May 2003
- Volume 3, issue 2, December 2003
- Volume 4, issue 1, July 2004
- Volume 5, issue 1, October 2005
- Volume 6, issue 1, December 2006
- Volume 7, issue 1, August 2007
- Volume 8, issue 1, September 2008
- Volume 8, issue 2, December 2008
- Volume 9, issue 1, April 2009
- Volume 9, issue 2, November 2009
- Volume 10, issue 1, April 2010
- Volume 11, issue 1, February 2011
- Volume 11, issue 2, May 2011
- Volume 11, issue 3, December 2011
- Volume 12, issue 1, September 2012
- Volume 12, issue 2, December 2012
- Volume 13, issue 1, September 2013
- Volume 13, issue 2, December 2013
- Volume 14, issue 1, August 2014
- Volume 14, issue 2, December 2014
- Volume 15, issue 1, July 2015
- Volume 15, issue 2, December 2015
- Volume 16, issue 1, October 2016
- Volume 16, issue 2, December 2016
- Volume 17, issue 1, July 2017
- Volume 17, issue 2, December 2017
- Volume 18, issue 1, April 2018
- Volume 18, issue 2, September 2018
- Volume 18, issue 3, December 2018
- Volume 19, issue 1, May 2019
- Volume 19, issue 2, October 2019
- Volume 19, issue 3, December 2019
- Volume 20, issue 1, February 2020
- Volume 20, issue 2, June 2020
- Volume 20, issue 3, September 2020
- Volume 20, issue 4, December 2020
- Volume 21, issue 1, May 2021
- Volume 21, issue 2, July 2021
- Volume 21, issue 3, September 2021
- Volume 21, issue 4, December 2021
- Volume 22, issue 1, March 2022
- Volume 22, issue 2, April 2022
- Volume 22, issue 3, August 2022
- Volume 23, issue 1, March 2023
- Volume 23, issue 2, July 2023
- Volume 23, issue 3, December 2023
- Volume 24, issue 1, April 2024
- Volume 24, issue 2, July 2024
- Volume 24, issue 3, September 2024
- Volume 24, issue 4, December 2024
Alphabetical list of authors and their articles:
- Jakobsson & Sotamaa Guest Editors -
- "Call For Papers - Game Studies Special Issue: “Game Reward Systems”"
- Game Studies, Volume 10, issue 1
- URI:
- '22 GAP
- "Call for Papers: Game Analysis Perspectives (GAP)"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 3
- URI:
- 22-01 Anonymous
- "Reverse Engineering North Korea's Gaming Economy: Intellectual Property, Microtransactions, and Censorship"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 1
- URI:
- Aarseth Espen, Jørgensen Ida Katherine Hammeleff
- "Game Analysis Reloaded"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 2
- URI:
- Aarseth Espen
- "Game History: A special issue"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 2
- URI:
- Aarseth Espen
- "Meta-Game Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 1
- URI:
- Aarseth Espen
- "The Battle for Open Access Publishing - And how it affects YOU"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 1
- URI:
- Aarseth Espen
- "Just Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 1
- URI:
- Aarseth Espen
- "Game Studies: How to play -- Ten play-tips for the aspiring game-studies scholar"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 2
- URI:
- Aarseth Espen
- "Two Decades of Game Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 1
- URI:
- Aarseth Espen
- "Computer Game Studies, Year One."
- Game Studies, Volume 1, issue 1.
- URI:
- Aarseth Espen
- "The Dungeon and the Ivory Tower: Vive La Difference ou Liaison Dangereuse?"
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 1.
- URI:
- Adams Meghan Blythe, Rambukkana Nathan
- "“Why do I have to make a choice? Maybe the three of us could, uh...”: Non-Monogamy in Videogame Narratives"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 2
- URI:
- Akser Murat, Meakin Eoghain, Dixon Brian
- "Playing Games with Gadamer: Language for the Player and Protagonist’s Interpretive Journey"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 3
- URI:
- Alloway Tracy Packiam, Carpenter Rachel
- "“Gotta Catch ‘Em All” - Can Playing Pokémon Go Influence Mood and Empathy?"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 2
- URI:
- Andersen Carrie
- "“There Has To Be More To It”: Diegetic Violence and the Uncertainty of President Kennedy’s Death"
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 2
- URI:
- Arjoranta Jonne, Siitonen Marko
- "Why Do Players Misuse Emotes in Hearthstone? Negotiating the Use of Communicative Affordances in an Online Multiplayer Game"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 2
- URI:
- Arjoranta Jonne
- "Game Definitions: A Wittgensteinian Approach"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 1
- URI:
- Arjoranta Jonne
- "How are Games Interpreted? Hermeneutics for Game Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 3
- URI:
- Arnseth Hans Christian
- "Learning to Play or Playing to Learn - A Critical Account of the Models of Communication Informing Educational Research on Computer Gameplay"
- Game Studies, Volume 6, issue 1
- URI:
- Austin Jodie
- "“The hardest battles are fought in the mind”: Representations of Mental Illness in Ninja Theory’s Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 4
- URI:
- Bacalja Alexander
- "“It’s got that power over you”: Negotiating Projective Identities in the English Classroom"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 2
- URI:
- Backe Hans-Joachim
- "A Review of Jørgensen's "Gameworld Interfaces""
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 1
- URI:
- Backe Hans-Joachim
- "Between “Games as Media” and “Interactive Games”"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 2
- URI:
- Backe Hans-Joachim
- "“Deathloop”: the Meta(modern) Immersive Simulation Game"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 2
- URI:
- Baird Kirsty, Hall Richard
- "Improving Computer Game Narrative Using Polti Ratios"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 1
- URI:
- Bakkerud Frederik
- "The Ontology of Game Spatiality"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 3
- URI:
- Banfi Ryan
- "Ellie’s Journal: Para-Narratives in The Last of Us Part II "
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 3
- URI:
- Bartle Richard
- "A "Digital Culture, Play and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader" Reader"
- Game Studies, Volume 10, issue 1
- URI:
- Barton Matt
- "How’s the Weather: Simulating Weather in Virtual Environments"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 1
- URI:
- Begy Jason, Consalvo Mia
- "Achievements, Motivations and Rewards in Faunasphere"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 1
- URI:
- Bello Robson
- "Pastiche and Parody in Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption II"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 3
- URI:
- Berge PS, Britt Rebecca K
- "Dance With Me, Claude: Creators, Catalyzers and Canonizers in the Fire Emblem: Three Houses Slash-Ship Fandom"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 4
- URI:
- Björk Staffan
- "Not a Casual Review: Reading Jesper Juul’s A Casual Revolution"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Björk Staffan
- "Best Before: The Red Queen Dilemma of Preserving Video Games?"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 2
- URI:
- Bjørkelo Kristian A.
- "“Elves are Jews with Pointy Ears and Gay Magic”: White Nationalist Readings of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 3
- URI:
- Blomberg Johan
- "The Semiotics of the Game Controller"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 2
- URI:
- Bogost Ian
- "Pretty Hate Machines: A Review of Gameplay Mode"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 1
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- Bonello Rutter Giappone Krista
- "Self-Reflexivity and Humor in Adventure Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 1
- URI:
- Boria Eric
- "Creative Player Actions in FPS Online Video Games: Playing Counter-Strike."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 2.
- URI:
- Breidenbach Paul
- "Creative Player Actions in FPS Online Video Games: Playing Counter-Strike."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 2.
- URI:
- Bringsjord Selmer
- "Is It Possible to Build Dramatically Compelling Interactive Digital Entertainment?"
- Game Studies, Volume 1, issue 1.
- URI:
- Brown Logan
- "“The Mythical Mass Market”: Design, Habit and the Invention of the American Mobile Gamer"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 2
- URI:
- Bruckman Amy, Zagal José P.
- "Novices, Gamers, and Scholars: Exploring the Challenges of Teaching About Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 2
- URI:
- Bryce Joanne
- "Guest Editorial."
- Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 1.
- URI:
- Burke Timothy
- "Can A Table Stand On One Leg? Critical and Ludological Thoughts on Star Wars: Galaxies"
- Game Studies, Volume 5, issue 1.
- URI:
- Burrell-Kim Danielle
- "“Stuttering Matt”: Linguistic ableism and the mockery of speech impediments in video games"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 2
- URI:
- Callahan David
- "Don't Fear the Reapers, Fear Multiculturalism: Canadian Contexts and Ethnic Elisions in Mass Effect"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 2
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- Caracciolo Marco
- "Animal Mayhem Games and Nonhuman-Oriented Thinking"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 1
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- Cardona-Rivera Rogelio E., Debus Michael S., Zagal José P.
- "A Typology of Imperative Game Goals"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 3
- URI:
- Carr Diane
- "Ability, Disability and Dead Space"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 2
- URI:
- Carr Diane
- "Play Dead: Genre and Affect in Silent Hill and Planescape Torment."
- Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 1.
- URI:
- Carter Marcus, Gibbs Martin, Arnold Michael
- "The Demarcation Problem in Multiplayer Games: Boundary-Work in EVE Online's eSport"
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 1
- URI:
- Cartlidge James
- "Genre, Prototype Theory and the Berlin Interpretation of Roguelikes"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 3
- URI:
- Castronova Edward
- "On Virtual Economies." in Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 2.
- URI:
- Chapman Adam
- "It’s Hard to Play in the Trenches: World War I, Collective Memory and Videogames"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 2
- URI:
- Cole John G., Banks Jaime
- "Diversion Drives and Superlative Soldiers: Gaming as Coping Practice among Military Personnel and Veterans"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 2
- URI:
- Collins Karen, Wharton Alexander
- "Subjective Measures of the Influence of Music Customization on the Video Game Play Experience: A Pilot Study"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Collins Karen
- "Game Sound in the Mechanical Arcades: An Audio Archaeology "
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 1
- URI:
- Condis Megan
- "Sorry, Wrong Apocalypse: Horizon Zero Dawn, Heaven’s Vault, and the Ecocritical Videogame"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 3
- URI:
- Conway Steven
- "Loops, Spirals, Kennings: Metamodernism in Alan Wake 2"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 4
- URI:
- Cover Rob
- "Gaming (Ad)diction: Discourse, Identity, Time and Play in the Production of the Gamer Addiction Myth"
- Game Studies, Volume 6, issue 1
- URI:
- Cullen Charlie, Vaughan Brian, Meakin Eoghain
- "“Understanding” Narrative; Applying Poetics to Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 2
- URI:
- David Clarissa C., Forbes Amy, Kushin Matthew J., Somera Lilnabeth P., Kim Jinhee, Dalisay Francis
- "Motivations for Video Game Play And Political Decision-Making: Evidence from Four Countries"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 3
- URI:
- Davis John P., Steury Keith, Pagulayan Randy
- "A survey method for assessing perceptions of a game: The consumer playtest in game design"
- Game Studies, Volume 5, issue 1.
- URI:
- De Paoli Stefano
- "Automatic-Play and Player Deskilling in MMORPGs"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 1
- URI:
- Deen Phillip D.
- "Interactivity, Inhabitation and Pragmatist Aesthetics"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Dennin Kimberly, Burton Adrianna
- "Experiential Play as an Analytical Framework: Empathetic and Grating Queerness in The Last of Us Part II"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 2
- URI:
- Deslauriers Patrick, Iseut Lafrance St-Martin Laura, Bonenfant Maude
- "Assessing Toxic Behaviour in Dead by Daylight : Perceptions and Factors of Toxicity According to the Game’s Official Subreddit Contributors"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 4
- URI:
- Deslongchamps-Gagnon Maxime
- "Structuring, Communicating, and Engaging Values in Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 2
- URI:
- Deterding Sebastian
- "A Manifesto, With Footnotes. A Review of Miguel Sicart’s “Play Matters”"
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 1
- URI:
- Dor Simon
- "The Heuristic Circle of Real-Time Strategy Process: A StarCraft: Brood War Case Study"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 1
- URI:
- Dor Simon
- "Strategy in Games or Strategy Games: Dictionary and Encyclopaedic Definitions for Game Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 1
- URI:
- Dormans Joris
- "On the Role of the Die: A brief ludologic study of pen-and-paper roleplaying games and their rules"
- Game Studies, Volume 6, issue 1
- URI:
- Drell Jordana, Bryant J. Alison, Akerman Anna
- "Diminutive Subjects, Design Strategy, and Driving Sales: Preschoolers and the Nintendo DS"
- Game Studies, Volume 10, issue 1
- URI:
- Dudek Bartosz
- "A Sense of Fear and Anxiety in Digital Games: An Analysis of Cognitive Stimuli in Slender -- The Eight Pages"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 2
- URI:
- Dutton Nathan, Consalvo Mia
- "Game analysis: Developing a methodological toolkit for the qualitative study of games"
- Game Studies, Volume 6, issue 1
- URI:
- Dwyer Lyne
- "Sex and the City: A Sonic Analysis of Sex Work and Socioeconomic Class in Watch_Dogs 2"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 2
- URI:
- Dym Brianna, Brubaker Jed, Fiesler Casey
- "“theyre all trans sharon”: Authoring Gender in Video Game Fan Fiction"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Engelbrecht Janine
- "The New Lara Phenomenon: A Postfeminist Analysis of Rise of the Tomb Raider"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 3
- URI:
- Ermi Laura, Mäyrä Frans
- "Player-Centred Game Design: Experiences in Using Scenario Study to Inform Mobile Game Design"
- Game Studies, Volume 5, issue 1.
- URI:
- Eskelinen Markku
- "The Gaming Situation."
- Game Studies, Volume 1, issue 1.
- URI:
- Evans Monica
- "Too Afraid to Go Deeper: Creating Pervasive Dread Through Blended Design Structures in Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 4
- URI:
- Farber Matthew, Schrier Karen
- "Beyond Winning: A Situational Analysis of Two Digital Autobiographical Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 4
- URI:
- Felczak Mateusz
- "Dungeon Pirates of the Postcolonial Seas. Domination, Necropolitics, Subsumption and Critical Play in Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 4
- URI:
- Finn Patrick, Aycock John
- "Uncivil Engineering: A Textual Divide in Game Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 3
- URI:
- Fiorilli Patrick
- "Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Gods: Reading Night in the Woods through Mark Fisher"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 1
- URI:
- Fizek Sonia
- "Through the Ludic Glass: Making Sense of Video Games as Algorithmic Spectacles"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 2
- URI:
- Fontolan Marina, Malazita James, da Costa Janaina Pamplona
- "Language, Identity and Games: Discussing the Role of Players in Videogame Localization"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 3
- URI:
- Ford Dom
- "“eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate”: Affective Writing of Postcolonial History and Education in Civilization V "
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 2
- URI:
- Ford Dom
- "The Haunting of Ancient Societies in the Mass Effect Trilogy and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 4
- URI:
- Frasca Gonzalo
- "De Koven’s “The Well-Played Game”"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 2
- URI:
- Frasca Gonzalo
- "Grandmothers are cooler than trolls: Review of The Sims."
- Game Studies, Volume 1, issue 1.
- URI:
- Frasca Gonzalo
- "Sim Sin City: Regarding Grand Theft Auto 3."
- Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 2.
- URI:
- Freedman Eric
- "Engineering Queerness in the Game Development Pipeline"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Fromme Johannes
- "Computer Games as a Part of Children's Culture." in Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 1.
- URI:
- Galbraith Patrick W.
- "Bishōjo Games: ‘Techno-Intimacy’ and the Virtually Human in Japan"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Gallagher Rob
- "Minecrafting Masculinities: Gamer Dads, Queer Childhoods and Father-Son Gameplay in A Boy Made of Blocks"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 2
- URI:
- Galloway Alexander R.
- "Social Realism in Gaming"
- Game Studies, Volume 4, issue 1.
- URI:
- Gazzard Alison
- "Unlocking the Gameworld: The Rewards of Space and Time in Videogames"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 1
- URI:
- Gazzard Alison
- "The Platform and the Player: exploring the (hi)stories of Elite"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 2
- URI:
- Ghys Tuur
- "Technology Trees: Freedom and Determinism in Historical Strategy Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 1
- URI:
- Gibbons William
- "Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams: Popular Music, Narrative, and Dystopia in Bioshock"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 3
- URI:
- Gingold Chaim
- "What WarioWare can teach us about Game Design"
- Game Studies, Volume 5, issue 1.
- URI:
- Goetz Christopher
- "Coin of Another Realm: Gaming’s Queer Economy"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Goggin Joyce
- "Review of Karlsen's A World of Excesses: On-line Games and Excessive Playing"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 2
- URI:
- Gouglas Sean, Burden Michael
- "The Algorithmic Experience: Portal as Art"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 2
- URI:
- Grabarczyk Paweł , Garda Maria B.
- "Is Every Indie Game Independent? Towards the Concept of Independent Game"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 1
- URI:
- Grabarczyk Paweł
- "SNES - Not so super after all"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 1
- URI:
- Grau de Pablos Tomás
- "Between Indie and Doujin: The creation of the Japanese indie"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 3
- URI:
- Griebel Thaddeus
- "Self-Portrayal in a Simulated Life: Projecting Personality and Values in The Sims 2"
- Game Studies, Volume 6, issue 1
- URI:
- Grünvogel Stefan M.
- "Formal Models and Game Design"
- Game Studies, Volume 5, issue 1.
- URI:
- Guanio-Uluru Lykke
- "War, Games, and the Ethics of Fiction"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 2
- URI:
- Guins Raiford
- "A Voice From the Electronic Grotto: A re-view of Martin Amis’s Invasion of the Space Invaders."
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 2
- URI:
- Hall Ben, May Lawrence
- "Thinking Ecologically with Battlefield 2042"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 1
- URI:
- Ham Ethan
- "Rarity and Power: Balance in Collectible Object Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 10, issue 1
- URI:
- Hamilton Howard J., Verlysdonk Victoria, Hepting Daryl, Targett Sean
- "A Study of User Interface Modifications in World of Warcraft"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 2
- URI:
- Hammar Emil Lundedal
- "Playing Virtual Jim Crow in Mafia III - Prosthetic Memory via Historical Digital Games and the Limits of Mass Culture"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 1
- URI:
- Harkin Stephanie
- "Liminal Rhetoric in Girlhood Games: Developmental Disruption in Night School Studio’s Oxenfree"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 3
- URI:
- Harpold Terry
- "Screw the Grue: Mediality, Metalepsis, Recapture"
- Game Studies, Volume 7, issue 1
- URI:
- Hart Casey
- "Getting Into the Game: An Examination of Player Personality Projection in Videogame Avatars"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 2
- URI:
- Hartmann Tilo
- "The “Moral Disengagement in Violent Videogames” Model"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 2
- URI:
- Harviainen J. Tuomas
- "Review: Experimental Games: Critique, Play, and Design in the Age of Gamification"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 1
- URI:
- Haynes Cynthia
- "Unplaying an Unreview of Critical Play"
- Game Studies, Volume 10, issue 1
- URI:
- Hayot Eric, Wesp Edward
- "Towards a Critical Aesthetic of Virtual-World Geographies"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 1
- URI:
- Hayot Eric
- "Interview with Chris Lena"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 1
- URI:
- Healey Gareth
- "Proving Grounds: Performing Masculine Identities in Call of Duty: Black Ops"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 2
- URI:
- Heritage Frazer
- "Applying corpus linguistics to videogame data: Exploring the representation of gender in videogames at a lexical level"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 3
- URI:
- Hitchens Michael
- "A Survey of First-person Shooters and their Avatars"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 3
- URI:
- Hjorth Larissa
- "Raising The Stakes: E-Sports and The Professionalization of Gaming"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 1
- URI:
- Holl Elisabeth, Wagener Gary Lee, Melzer André
- "Do Gender Stereotypes Affect Gaming Performance? Testing the Stereotype Threat Effect in Video Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 2
- URI:
- Horrigan Matthew
- "The Liminoid in Single-Player Videogaming: A Critical and Collaborative Response to Recent Work on Liminality and Ritual"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 2
- URI:
- Hubbell Gaines S., Cooke Laquana
- "Working Out Memory with a Medal of Honor Complex "
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 2
- URI:
- Humphreys Sal
- "Norrath: New Forms, Old Institutions"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 1
- URI:
- Hutchinson Rachael
- "Observant Play: Colonial Ideology in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 3
- URI:
- Hutchison Andrew
- "Making the Water Move: Techno-Historic Limits in the Game Aesthetics of Myst and Doom"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 1
- URI:
- Höglund Johan
- "Electronic Empire: Orientalism Revisited in the Military Shooter"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 1
- URI:
- Höglund Johan
- "Magic Nodes and Proleptic Warfare in the Multiplayer Component of Battlefield 3"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 1
- URI:
- Iantorno Michael, Custodio Alex
- "Unexceptional Consoles"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 3
- URI:
- Iversen Sara Mosberg
- "In the Double Grip of the Game: Challenge and Fallout 3 "
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 2
- URI:
- Jakobsson Mikael, Sotamaa Olli
- "Special Issue - Game Reward Systems"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 1
- URI:
- Jakobsson Mikael
- "The Achievement Machine: Understanding Xbox 360 Achievements in Gaming Practices"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 1
- URI:
- James Eric Andrew
- "Queer Easter Eggs and their Hierarchies of Play"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Janik Justyna
- "Negotiating Textures of Digital Play: Gameplay and the Production of Space"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 4
- URI:
- Jankowski Filip
- "Beyond the French Touch: The Contestataire Moment in French Adventure Digital Games (1984-1990)"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 1
- URI:
- Järvinen Aki
- "Halo and the Anatomy of the FPS: Review of Halo."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 1.
- URI:
- Järvinen Aki
- "A Meaningful Read: Rules of Play reviewed"
- Game Studies, Volume 4, issue 1.
- URI:
- Jaćević Milan
- "Play Your Own Way: Ludic Habitus and the Subfields of Digital Gaming Practice"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 1
- URI:
- Jerreat-Poole Adan
- "Sick, Slow, Cyborg: Crip Futurity in Mass Effect"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 1
- URI:
- Jo Dongwon
- ""Bursting Circuit Boards": Infrastructures and Technical Practices of Copying in Early Korean Video Game Industry"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 2
- URI:
- Jones Christian, Burgess Jacqueline
- "“I Harbour Strong Feelings for Tali Despite Her Being a Fictional Character”: Investigating Videogame Players’ Emotional Attachments to Non-Player Characters"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 1
- URI:
- Juul Jesper
- "The repeatedly lost art of studying games: Review of The Study of Games."
- Game Studies, Volume 1, issue 1.
- URI:
- Juul Jesper
- "Where the Action is"
- Game Studies, Volume 5, issue 1.
- URI:
- Jørgensen Kristine
- "Audio and Gameplay: An Analysis of PvP Battlegrounds in World of Warcraft"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 2
- URI:
- Jørgensen Kristine
- "Sound in a Participatory Culture"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 1
- URI:
- Jørgensen Kristine
- "The Positive Discomfort of Spec Ops: The Line"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 2
- URI:
- Kagen Melissa
- "Walking, Talking and Playing with Masculinities in Firewatch"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 2
- URI:
- Kaltman Eric, Wardrip-Fruin Noah, Mason Stacey
- "The Game I Mean: Game Reference, Citation and Authoritative Access"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 3
- URI:
- Kampe Chris, Taylor Nicholas, Bell Kristina
- "Me and Lee: Identification and the Play of Attraction in The Walking Dead"
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 1
- URI:
- Karhulahti Veli-Matti
- "A Kinesthetic Theory of Videogames: Time-Critical Challenge and Aporetic Rhematic"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 1
- URI:
- Karhulahti Veli-Matti
- "Defining the Videogame"
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 2
- URI:
- Karhulahti Veli-Matti
- "Book Review: John Sharp's Works of Game"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 1
- URI:
- Karlsen Faltin
- "Quests in Context: A Comparative Analysis of Discworld and World of Warcraft"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 1
- URI:
- Kaufman Imo
- "To the (fictional) concentration camp: Wrestling with Jewish Pain and Emptiness in Brenda Romero’s Train"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 1
- URI:
- Kee Kevin, Rockwell Geoffrey M.
- "The Leisure of Serious Games: A Dialogue"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Keebler Joseph R., Simonson Richard J., Doherty Shawn
- "The Need for Recategorized Video Game Labels: A Quantitative Approach"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 1
- URI:
- Keever Justin
- "Videogames and the Technicity of Ideology: The Case for Critique"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 2
- URI:
- Kennedy Helen W.
- "Lara Croft: Feminist Icon or Cyberbimbo? On the Limits of Textual Analysis."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 2.
- URI:
- Kirkpatrick Graeme
- "Constitutive Tensions of Gaming’s Field: UK gaming magazines and the formation of gaming culture 1981-1995"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 1
- URI:
- Klabbers Jan H.G.
- "Tensions Between Meaning Construction and Persuasion in Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Klastrup Lisbeth
- "The Worldness of EverQuest: Exploring a 21st Century Fiction"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 1
- URI:
- Klevjer Rune, Hovden Jan Fredrik
- "The Structure of Videogame Preference"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 2
- URI:
- Klevjer Rune
- "It’s Not the Violence, Stupid"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 1
- URI:
- Knutson Matt
- "Backtrack, Pause, Rewind, Reset: Queering Chrononormativity in Gaming"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Kocurek Carly A.
- "The Agony and the Exidy: A History of Video Game Violence and the Legacy of Death Race"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 1
- URI:
- Kolo Castulus, Baur Timo
- "Living a Virtual Life: Social Dynamics of Online Gaming"
- Game Studies, Volume 4, issue 1.
- URI:
- Kominiarczuk Mateusz, Waszkiewicz Agata
- "Towards a Model of Objective-Based Reward Systems"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 1
- URI:
- Konzack Lars
- "The fun is back!"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Koskimaa Raine
- "Reading Processes: Groundwork for Software Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Koskimaa Raine
- "Book Review: How Pac-Man Eats"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 4
- URI:
- Krampe Theresa
- "No Straight Answers: Queering Hegemonic Masculinity in BioWare’s Mass Effect"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 2
- URI:
- Krichane Selim
- "When Seeing is Playing: The History of the Videogame Camera"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 2
- URI:
- Kücklich Julian
- "Perspectives of Computer Game Philology." in Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 1.
- URI:
- Kultima Annakaisa
- "Book Review: Game Production Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 4
- URI:
- Kłosiński Michał
- "Digital Recycling: Retrotopia in representations of warships in World of Warships"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 3
- URI:
- Kłosiński Michał
- "How to Interpret Digital Games? A Hermeneutic Guide in Ten Points, With References and Bibliography"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 2
- URI:
- LaRell Anderson Sky
- "Watching People Is Not a Game: Interactive Online Corporeality, and Videogame Streams"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 1
- URI:
- Lastowka Greg
- "Planes of Power: EverQuest as Text, Game and Community"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 1
- URI:
- LeBlanc Amy
- "Gothic Gaming: The Ill Body and the Haunted House in Kitty Horrorshow’s Anatomy"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 3
- URI:
- Lee Yu-Hao
- "Older adults’ digital gameplay, social capital, social connectedness, and civic participation"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 1
- URI:
- Lee Shuen-shing
- ""I Lose, Therefore I Think": A Search for Contemplation amid Wars of Push-Button Glare."
- Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 2.
- URI:
- Lehdonvirta Vili
- "Virtual Worlds Don't Exist: Questioning the Dichotomous Approach in MMO Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 10, issue 1
- URI:
- Leino Olli Tapio
- "What is Love?"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Leino Olli Tapio
- "Death Loop as a Feature"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 2
- URI:
- Liboriussen Bjarke, Martin Paul
- "Regional Game Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 1
- URI:
- Liboriussen Bjarke
- "Videogame Adaptations as Opportunities for Remembering Gameplay"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 1
- URI:
- Lindley Craig A.
- "The Semiotics of Time Structure in Ludic Space As a Foundation for Analysis and Design"
- Game Studies, Volume 5, issue 1.
- URI:
- Lipkin Nadav D.
- "The Indiepocalypse: the Political-Economy of Independent Game Development Labor in Contemporary Indie Markets"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 2
- URI:
- Lizardi Ryan
- "Bioshock: Complex and Alternate Histories"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 1
- URI:
- Lobo Phillip
- "Novel Subjects: Robinson Crusoe & Minecraft and the Production of Sovereign Selfhood"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 1
- URI:
- Lossada Merlyn
- "Latin America's New Cultural Industries still Play Old Games: From the Banana Republic to Donkey Kong."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 2.
- URI:
- Lowe Dunstan
- "Review: Playing the Middle Ages: Pitfalls and Potential in Modern Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 2
- URI:
- Lugo Jairo
- "Latin America's New Cultural Industries still Play Old Games: From the Banana Republic to Donkey Kong."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 2.
- URI:
- MacCallum-Stewart Esther
- "“Take That, Bitches!” Refiguring Lara Croft in Feminist Game Narratives"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 2
- URI:
- MacCallum-Stewart Esther
- "Shira Chess, Play Like a Feminist."
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 4
- URI:
- Malliet Steven, Denoo Maarten, Daneels Rowan, Vandewalle Alexander, Dupont Bruno
- "The Digital Game Analysis Protocol (DiGAP): Introducing a Guide for Reflexive and Transparent Game Analyses"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 2
- URI:
- Malliet Steven
- "Adapting the Principles of Ludology to the Method of Video Game Content Analysis"
- Game Studies, Volume 7, issue 1
- URI:
- Manninen Tony
- "Interaction Forms and Communicative Actions in Multiplayer Games."
- Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 1.
- URI:
- Manninen Tony, Kujanpää Tomi
- "The Hunt for Collaborative War Gaming - CASE: Battlefield 1942"
- Game Studies, Volume 5, issue 1.
- URI:
- Marcotte Jess
- "Queering Control(lers) Through Reflective Game Design Practices"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Martin Paul
- "The Pastoral and the Sublime in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 3
- URI:
- Martin Paul
- "The Intellectual Structure of Game Research"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 1
- URI:
- Martin Paul
- "How to create different differences in game culture: A review of Future Gaming. "
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 2
- URI:
- Martin Paul
- "Review: Player vs. Monster: The Making and Breaking of Video Game Monstrosity"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 3
- URI:
- McCall Jeremiah
- "The Historical Problem Space Framework: Games as a Historical Medium"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 3
- URI:
- McClancy Kathleen
- "The Wasteland of the Real: Nostalgia and Simulacra in Fallout"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 2
- URI:
- Medler Ben
- "Player Dossiers: Analyzing Gameplay Data as a Reward"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 1
- URI:
- Melhárt David
- "Towards a Comprehensive Model of Mediating Frustration in Videogames"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 1
- URI:
- Miller Kiri
- "The Accidental Carjack: Ethnography, Gameworld Tourism, and Grand Theft Auto"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 1
- URI:
- Mitchell Liam
- "Reconsidering The Grasshopper: On the Reception of Bernard Suits in Game Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 3
- URI:
- Moeller Ryan M., Esplin Bruce, Conway Steven
- "Cheesers, Pullers, and Glitchers: The Rhetoric of Sportsmanship and the Discourse of Online Sports Gamers"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 2
- URI:
- Montfort Nick
- "Combat in Context"
- Game Studies, Volume 6, issue 1
- URI:
- Moore Christopher
- "Hats of Affect: A Study of Affect, Achievements and Hats in Team Fortress 2"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 1
- URI:
- Moran Jacqueline
- "Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Hero's Journeys in Zelda: Opportunities & Issues for Games Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 2
- URI:
- Mori Joji, Kohn Tamara, Gibbs Martin, Arnold Michael
- "Tombstones, Uncanny Monuments and Epic Quests: Memorials in World of Warcraft"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 1
- URI:
- Morrissette Jess
- "Glory to Arstotzka: Morality, Rationality, and the Iron Cage of Bureaucracy in Papers, Please"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 1
- URI:
- Morrissette Jess
- "I'd Like to Buy the World a Nuka-Cola: The Purposes and Meanings of Video Game Soda Machines"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 1
- URI:
- Mortensen Torill
- "Forever a moral subject"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 2
- URI:
- Mortensen Torill
- "For the Love of Fighting Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 2
- URI:
- Mortensen Torill
- "Playing With Players: Potential methodologies for MUDs."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 1.
- URI:
- Murphy David
- "Battle on the Metric Front: Dispatches from Call of Duty's Update War"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 2
- URI:
- Myers David
- "Circles tend to return"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 2
- URI:
- Mäyrä Frans
- "Gaming Culture at the Boundaries of Play"
- Game Studies, Volume 10, issue 1
- URI:
- Nakamura Rika, Wirman Hanna
- "Girlish Counter-Playing Tactics"
- Game Studies, Volume 5, issue 1.
- URI:
- Nelson Peter
- "Claustrophobia, Repetition and Redundancy: The Economy and Aesthetics of User-Generated Content in Sandbox Computer Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 2
- URI:
- Newman James
- "The myth of the ergodic videogame: Some thoughts on player-character relationships in videogames."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 1.
- URI:
- Ng Benjamin Wai-ming
- "Street Fighter and The King of Fighters in Hong Kong: A Study of Cultural Consumption and Localization of Japanese Games in an Asian Context"
- Game Studies, Volume 6, issue 1
- URI:
- Nguyen C. Thi
- "The right way to play a game"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 1
- URI:
- Nicoll Benjamin
- "Identifying with Lack: The Enjoyment of Nonbelonging in Her Story"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 2
- URI:
- Nijdam Elizabeth "Biz"
- "Playing Against Real Time: Queer(ing) Temporalities in Bury me, my Love "
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 1
- URI:
- Nooney Laine
- "A Pedestal, A Table, A Love Letter: Archaeologies of Gender in Videogame History"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 2
- URI:
- Oldenburg Aaron
- "Sonic Mechanics: Audio as Gameplay"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 1
- URI:
- Oldenburg Aaron
- "Abstracting Evidence: Documentary Process in the Service of Fictional Gameworlds"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 1
- URI:
- Ouellette Marc A.
- "“I Hope You Never See Another Day Like This”: Pedagogy & Allegory in “Post 9/11” Video Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 1
- URI:
- O’Neill Kevin, Feenstra Bill
- "“Honestly, I Would Stick with the Books”: Young Adults’ Ideas About a Videogame as a Source of Historical Knowledge"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 2
- URI:
- Parikka Jussi, Suominen Jaakko
- "Victorian Snakes? Towards A Cultural History of Mobile Games and the Experience of Movement"
- Game Studies, Volume 6, issue 1
- URI:
- Parisi David
- "Shocking Grasps: An Archaeology of Electrotactile Game Mechanics"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 2
- URI:
- Paul Christopher A.
- "Optimizing Play: How Theorycraft Changes Gameplay and Design"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Paulk Charles
- "Signifying Play: The Sims and the Sociology of Interior Design"
- Game Studies, Volume 6, issue 1
- URI:
- Payne Matthew Thomas, Vanderhoef John
- "Press X to Wait: The Cultural Politics of Slow Game Time in Red Dead Redemption 2"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 3
- URI:
- Pearce Celia
- "The Ending is Not Yet Written: A Conversation with Rand Miller"
- Game Studies, Volume 10, issue 1
- URI:
- Pearce Celia
- "Sims, BattleBots, Cellular Automata, God and Go: A conversation with Will Wright."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 1.
- URI:
- Pearce Celia
- "The Player with Many Faces: A conversation with Louis Castle."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 2.
- URI:
- Pearce Celia
- "Game Noir: A conversation with Tim Schafer."
- Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 1.
- URI:
- Pearce Celia
- "A Conversation with Raph Koster"
- Game Studies, Volume 5, issue 1.
- URI:
- Pelurson Gaspard
- "Mustaches, Blood Magic and Interspecies Sex: Navigating the Non-Heterosexuality of Dorian Pavus"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 1
- URI:
- Phipps Gregory
- "“If You Can See Something for its True Essence”: Exploring the Origins of the Personal Computer in TIS-100"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 1
- URI:
- Picard Martin
- "The Foundation of Geemu: A Brief History of Early Japanese video games"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 2
- URI:
- Pizelo Samuel
- "Games Built the Computer: Babbage, Lovelace and the Dawn of the Ludic Age"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 3
- URI:
- Pozo Teddy
- "Queer Games After Empathy: Feminism and Haptic Game Design Aesthetics from Consent to Cuteness to the Radically Soft"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Purcell Sean
- "Rendering in Analog Games: Dissected Puzzles and Georgian Death Culture"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 1
- URI:
- Pérez-Latorre Óliver
- "Post-apocalyptic Games, Heroism and the Great Recession"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 3
- URI:
- Pötzsch & Hammond Guest Editors -
- "Call For Papers - Game Studies Special Issue: “WAR/GAME”"
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 1
- URI:
- Pötzsch Holger, Hammond Philip
- "Special Issue - War/Game: Studying Relations Between Violent Conflict, Games, and Play"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 2
- URI:
- Pötzsch Holger
- "Playing Games with Shklovsky, Brecht, and Boal: Ostranenie, V-Effect, and Spect-Actors as Analytical Tools for Game Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 2
- URI:
- Ramsay Debra
- "Liminality and the Smearing of War and Play in Battlefield 1"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 1
- URI:
- Rau Anja
- "Review: Germans at Play"
- Game Studies, Volume 4, issue 1.
- URI:
- Ray Jean-Charles, Poremba Cindy, Therrien Carl
- "From Dead-end to Cutting Edge: Using FMV Design Patterns to Jumpstart a Video Revival"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 4
- URI:
- Reay Emma
- "The Child in Games: Representations of Children in Video Games (2009 - 2019)"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 1
- URI:
- Rennick Stephanie, Roberts Seán
- "Improving video game conversations with trope-informed design"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 3
- URI:
- Reynolds Daniel
- "The Vitruvian Thumb: Embodied Branding and Lateral Thinking with the Nintendo Game Boy"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 1
- URI:
- Ricksand Martin
- "“Twere Well It Were Done Quickly”: What Belongs in a Glitchless Speedrun?"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 1
- URI:
- Rodriguez Hector
- "The Playful and the Serious: An approximation to Huizinga's Homo Ludens"
- Game Studies, Volume 6, issue 1
- URI:
- Rodéhn Cecilia
- "Introducing Mad Studies and Mad Reading to Game Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 1
- URI:
- Roth Martin
- "Review: Who Are You? Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance Platform"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 1
- URI:
- Ruberg & Phillips Guest Editors -
- "Call For Articles - Game Studies Special Issue: “Queerness and Video Games: New Critical Perspectives on LGBTQ Issues, Sexuality, Games, and Play”"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 1
- URI:
- Ruberg Bonnie, Phillips Amanda
- "Special Issue -- Queerness and Video Games
Not Gay as in Happy: Queer Resistance and Video Games (Introduction)" - Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Ruch Adam
- "World of Warcraft: Service or Space?"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 2
- URI:
- Rutter Jason
- "Guest Editorial."
- Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 1.
- URI:
- Ryan Marie-Laure
- "Beyond Myth and Metaphor: The Case of Narrative in Digital Media."
- Game Studies, Volume 1, issue 1.
- URI:
- Sample Mark L.
- "Virtual Torture: Videogames and the War on Terror"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 2
- URI:
- Sampson Tony
- "Latin America's New Cultural Industries still Play Old Games: From the Banana Republic to Donkey Kong."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 2.
- URI:
- Schaufert Braidon
- "Daddy’s Play: Subversion and Normativity in Dream Daddy’s Queer World"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Schmalzer M. D.
- "Janky Controls and Embodied Play: Disrupting the Cybernetic Gameplay Circuit"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 3
- URI:
- Schulzke Marcus
- "Moral Decision Making in Fallout"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 2
- URI:
- Scully-Blaker Rainforest
- "A Practiced Practice: Speedrunning Through Space With de Certeau and Virilio"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 1
- URI:
- Seif El-Nasr Magy, Niedenthal Simon, Knez Igor, Almeida Priya, Zupko Joseph
- "Dynamic Lighting for Tension in Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 7, issue 1
- URI:
- Sharp John
- "Review: Transnational Play: Piracy, Urban Art, and Mobile Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 1
- URI:
- Sicart Miguel
- "Defining Game Mechanics"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 2
- URI:
- Sicart Miguel
- "Against Procedurality"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 3
- URI:
- Sihvonen Tanja, Stenros Jaakko
- "Like Seeing Yourself in the Mirror? Solitary Role-Play as Performance and Pretend Play"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 4
- URI:
- Sim Yuin Theng, Kway Liting, Mitchell Alex, Neo Tiffany
- " A Preliminary Categorization of Techniques for Creating Poetic Gameplay"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 2
- URI:
- Simon Bart, Silverman Mark, Boudreau Kelly
- "Two Players: Biography and ‘Played Sociality’ in EverQuest"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 1
- URI:
- Simon Bart
- "Critical Theory, Political Economy and Game Studies: A Review of "Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and Video Games""
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Simons Jan
- "Narrative, Games, and Theory"
- Game Studies, Volume 7, issue 1
- URI:
- Sites Joshua D., Potter Robert F.
- "Everything Merges with the Game: A Generative Music System Embedded in a Videogame Increases Flow"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 2
- URI:
- Smith Caighlan
- "Death Road to Capitalism: Business Ontology of the Zombie Apocalypse in Death Road to Canada"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 1
- URI:
- Smith Gillian, Rouse Rebecca, Malazita James
- "Disciplining Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 1
- URI:
- Smith Jonas Heide
- "The Games Economists Play - Implications of Economic Game Theory for the Study of Computer Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 6, issue 1
- URI:
- Smith Jonas Heide
- "Tragedies of the ludic commons - understanding cooperation in multiplayer games"
- Game Studies, Volume 7, issue 1
- URI:
- Smith Greg M.
- "Computer Games Have Words, Too: Dialogue Conventions in Final Fantasy."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 2.
- URI:
- Soler-Adillon Joan
- "The Open, the Closed and the Emergent: Theorizing Emergence for Videogame Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 2
- URI:
- Squire Kurt
- "Cultural Framing of Computer/Video Games."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 1.
- URI:
- Stang Sarah
- "“This Action Will Have Consequences”: Interactivity and Player Agency"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 1
- URI:
- Sterczewski Piotr
- "This Uprising of Mine: Game Conventions, Cultural Memory and Civilian Experience of War in Polish Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 2
- URI:
- Stone Jon
- "Separation Anxiety: Plotting and Visualising the Tensions Between Poetry and Videogames"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 2
- URI:
- Stone Kara
- "Time and Reparative Game Design: Queerness, Disability, and Affect"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Ståhl Matilda, Rusk Fredrik
- "Player customization, competence and team discourse: exploring player identity (co)construction in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive "
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 4
- URI:
- Suominen Jaakko
- "Review of Gaming the Iron Curtain"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 2
- URI:
- Suominen Jaakko
- "Review: Arcade Britannia"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 3
- URI:
- Tanenbaum Theresa J, Gardner Daniel L
- "At the Edge: Periludic Elements in Game Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 4
- URI:
- Taylor Laurie
- "When Seams Fall Apart: Video Game Space and the Player."
- Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 2.
- URI:
- Tham Samuel M., Perreault Gregory P. , Daniel Jr. Emory
- "The Gamification of Gambling: A case study of the mobile game Final Fantasy Brave Exvius"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 2
- URI:
- Therrien Carl
- "Inspecting Video Game Historiography Through Critical Lens: Etymology of the First-Person Shooter Genre"
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 2
- URI:
- Thomas Siobhán
- "Ludoliteracy: Defining, Understanding and Supporting Games Education"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 1
- URI:
- Timmons Niamh
- "Gravity = Culture: Trans Liberatory Potentials and Limitations in Heaven Will Be Mine"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 4
- URI:
- Toh Weimin
- "The Economics of Decision-Making in Video Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 3
- URI:
- Trammell Aaron
- "Notes from the Wargaming Underground: Dungeons, Dragons, and the History of Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 2
- URI:
- Tronstad Ragnhild
- "The Productive Paradox of Critical Play"
- Game Studies, Volume 10, issue 1
- URI:
- Tyler Tom
- "A Procrustean Probe"
- Game Studies, Volume 8, issue 2
- URI:
- Vahlo Jukka
- "An Enactive Account of the Autonomy of Videogame Gameplay"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 1
- URI:
- Van Looy Jan
- "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown: interactivity and signification in Head Over Heels."
- Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 2.
- URI:
- Vandewalle Alexander, Paprocki Maciej
- "Mythological Comedy through Incongruity in Immortals Fenyx Rising: Humor and Playfulness in Antiquity Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 4
- URI:
- Veale Kevin
- ""Interactive Cinema" Is an Oxymoron, but May Not Always Be"
- Game Studies, Volume 12, issue 1
- URI:
- Vekselius Johan, Foka Anna, Eklund Lina
- "Playing with Gender: Women in Assassin's Creed Odyssey"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 2
- URI:
- Vella Daniel
- "No Mastery Without Mystery: Dark Souls and the Ludic Sublime"
- Game Studies, Volume 15, issue 1
- URI:
- Vella Daniel
- "Senses of Endings"
- Game Studies, Volume 17, issue 2
- URI:
- Vella Daniel
- "Venturing into the House of Digital Horrors: A Review of The World of Scary Video Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 1
- URI:
- Verhoef Jesper
- "Let’s not be Cultural Pessimists: The Social Construction of Nintendo’s Game Boy and the Need for Console-Specific Game Studies"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 2
- URI:
- Verran Erick
- "In Pursuit of Ourselves: Roleplaying (Self-)Control and the Doppelgänger Trope in Videogames"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 1
- URI:
- Viegas Alexis F.
- "A Concise Introduction to the Study of Analepses in Video Games: Approaches and Possibilities through The Last of Us: Part II"
- Game Studies, Volume 24, issue 2
- URI:
- Villahermosa Serrano Yoel
- "Imagining Latin America: Indigeneity, Erasure and Tropicalist Neocolonialism in Shadow of the Tomb Raider"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 3
- URI:
- Voorhees Gerald
- "The Character of Difference: Procedurality, Rhetoric, and Roleplaying Games"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 2
- URI:
- Voorhees Gerald
- "Play and Possibility in the Rhetoric of the War on Terror: The Structure of Agency in Halo 2"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 1
- URI:
- Välisalo Tanja, Ruotsalainen Maria
- "“Sexuality does not belong to the game” - Discourses in Overwatch Community and the Privilege of Belonging "
- Game Studies, Volume 22, issue 3
- URI:
- Wade Alex
- "Red Threads: Robert Maxwell and the Early UK and International Videogames Industry"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 4
- URI:
- Wallin Mark Rowell
- "Myths, Monsters and Markets: Ethos, Identification, and the Video Game Adaptations of The Lord of the Rings"
- Game Studies, Volume 7, issue 1
- URI:
- Walther Bo Kampmann
- "Playing and Gaming: Reflections and Classifications."
- Game Studies, Volume 3, issue 1.
- URI:
- Wanenchak Sarah
- "Tags, Threads, and Frames: Toward a Synthesis of Interaction Ritual and Livejournal Roleplaying"
- Game Studies, Volume 10, issue 1
- URI:
- Waszkiewicz Agata, Pötzsch Holger
- "Life Is Bleak (in Particular for Women Who Exert Power and Try to Change the World): The Poetics and Politics of Life Is Strange"
- Game Studies, Volume 19, issue 3
- URI:
- Weaver Andrew J., Prena Kelsey
- "Grades on Games: Gaming Preferences and Weekly Studying on College GPAs"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 4
- URI:
- Welch Tom
- "The Affectively Necessary Labour of Queer Mods"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Welsh Timothy
- "(Re)Mastering Dark Souls"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 4
- URI:
- Wesp Edward, Hayot Eric
- "Interview with Brad McQuaid and Kevin McPherson"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 1
- URI:
- Wesp Edward
- "A Too-Coherent World: Game Studies and the Myth of “Narrative” Media"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 2
- URI:
- Whalen Zach
- "Play Along - An Approach to Videogame Music"
- Game Studies, Volume 4, issue 1.
- URI:
- Williams Paul, Nesbitt Keith V., Eidels Ami, Elliott David
- "Balancing Risk and Reward to Develop an Optimal Hot-Hand Game"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 1
- URI:
- Wilson Douglas
- "Brutally Unfair Tactics Totally OK Now: On Self-Effacing Games and Unachievements"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 1
- URI:
- Wirman Hanna
- "Play Redux is Solo-Play"
- Game Studies, Volume 14, issue 1
- URI:
- Wirman Hanna
- "Review: Game: Animals, Video Games, and Humanity"
- Game Studies, Volume 23, issue 3
- URI:
- Wood Jamie, Stirling Eve
- ""Actual history doesn't take place": Digital Gaming, Accuracy and Authenticity"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 1
- URI:
- Woods Stewart
- "Congenial by Design: A Review of A Casual Revolution"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Woods Stewart
- "Loading the Dice: The Challenge of Serious Videogames"
- Game Studies, Volume 4, issue 1.
- URI:
- Wright Talmadge
- "Creative Player Actions in FPS Online Video Games: Playing Counter-Strike."
- Game Studies, Volume 2, issue 2.
- URI:
- Yee Nick
- "Befriending Ogres and Wood-Elves: Relationship Formation and The Social Architecture of Norrath"
- Game Studies, Volume 9, issue 1
- URI:
- Young Helen, Hartman Abbie, Tulloch Rowan
- "Video Games as Public History: Archives, Empathy and Affinity"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 4
- URI:
- Youngblood Jordan
- "When (and What) Queerness Counts: Homonationalism and Militarism in the Mass Effect Series"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 3
- URI:
- Zagal José P.
- "Hackers, History, and Game Design: What Racing the Beam Is Not"
- Game Studies, Volume 11, issue 2
- URI:
- Zhou Nansong
- "Parasocial Relationships in Social Contexts: Why do Players View a Game Character as Their Child?"
- Game Studies, Volume 21, issue 2
- URI:
- dos Santos Manoella Oliveira, Elmezeny Ahmed, Orlova Ekaterina, Antonova Anna, Wimmer Jeffrey, Tribusean Irina
- "Same but Different: A Comparative Content Analysis of Trolling in Russian and Brazilian Gaming Imageboards"
- Game Studies, Volume 18, issue 2
- URI:
- Šisler Vít
- "Contested Memories of War in Czechoslovakia 38-89: Assassination: Designing a Serious Game on Contemporary History"
- Game Studies, Volume 16, issue 2
- URI:
- Švelch Jan
- "Paratextuality in Game Studies: A Theoretical Review and Citation Analysis"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 2
- URI:
- Švelch Jaroslav
- "Say it with a Computer Game: Hobby Computer Culture and the Non-entertainment Uses of Homebrew Games in the 1980s Czechoslovakia"
- Game Studies, Volume 13, issue 2
- URI:
- Švelch Jaroslav
- "Should the Monster Play Fair?: Reception of Artificial Intelligence in Alien: Isolation"
- Game Studies, Volume 20, issue 2
- URI: